
Maisy's Holiday Book Bag (6 Paperback)

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Maisy's Holiday Book Bag (6 Paperback)

33,500(38% 할인 / 20,500원 할인)
1,675원(5% 적립)
0원(30,000원 이상 구매시 배송비 무료)
페이퍼북 / 156 pages / 230*190 mm size
Walker Books
Lucy Cousins
동물, 곤충
AR 레벨
0.8 ~ 2.3
Lexile 레벨

총 상품금액: 33,500
바로구매 장바구니 위시리스트

6권에 담긴 Maisy의 설레는 여행이야기! 캠핑, 파티, 수영장 등으로 함께 떠나요!

오늘 Maisy는 탄생 처음 수영장에 갑니다. 그녀는 약간 긴장하고 있어요. 좋은 소식은 Eddie와 Tallulah도 함께 간다는 겁니다. Eddie는 도착하자 마자 수영장으로 곧장 들어갑니다. Maisy와 Tallulah는 살금살금 천천히 물 속으로 들어가네요. 너무 차가워요! 하지만 곧 아이들은 물장구 치고, 거품을 만들면서 재미있게 놉니다.

* Maisy Goes Camping
When Maisy sets off to go camping in the country, it’s only natural that all her friends come along, too. But they soon find that pitching a tent is not an easy thing to do. Even if they do manage to keep the tent up, there’s the matter of fitting them all in ― Maisy, Charley, Cyril, Tallulah, and finally, the huge elephant, Eddie. What a squeezy squish-squash! Good night, campers! Uh-oh-what’s that popping sound?

* Maisy Goes on a Sleepover
Join Maisy on her very first sleepover! Friends and games, yummy food and funny dancing ― it's hard to feel anything but wide awake.

Tallulah is having a sleepover, and Maisy is invited. So is Tallulah's new friend, Ella. Every moment is packed with fun as the friends talk, dance, giggle, and play together. After a tasty supper and lots of games, all three get ready for bed, and Maisy reads a story. Is everyone finally tired? With this anything-but-sleepy storybook, children new to sleepovers and seasoned pros alike can enjoy an overnight visit with Maisy and her pals. Good night, Maisy. Good night, everyone!

* Maisy Goes on Holiday
In the eighth title in the popular "Maisy First Experiences" series, Maisy and Cyril catch a train to the seaside where they enjoy a fun-filled holiday. Each of the "First Experiences" series describes a common first experience within Maisy's familiar and comforting world, offering a reassuring picture of something that might be new or less familiar. In "Maisy Goes on Holiday", Maisy enjoys packing her suitcase, then meeting Cyril at a busy station and catching a train to the seaside. They have lots of fun on the beach and at the cafe, write postcards to their friends and finally sleep a peaceful night at their hotel (after bouncing on the beds, of course). This title strikes the perfect balance of excitement and reassurance as Maisy travels to pastures new. Every page is packed with colourful activity and buzzing with life. A global phenomenon, Maisy books have won several major awards, sold over 21 million copies worldwide and are available

* Maisy Goes to the City
Maisy and Charley are visiting the city for the weekend ? how exciting! They are met at the coach station by their friend Dotty, who shows them around… What noisy traffic! What giant buildings! So many flashing lights! And everywhere is so crowded ? even the park. As Maisy and Charley explore, they go down into the underground, up an escalator in a department store ? where for a moment Maisy even gets a bit lost ? and see all the colourful sights in the wonderful bustling city.

* Maisy Goes to the Museum
From woolly mammoths to rocket ships, the marvels of a museum are more fun to explore when Maisy leads the way.

On a rainy-day visit to the museum, Maisy and her friends explore everything from dinosaurs to a moon exhibit, from vintage vehicles to a giant dollhouse to the food exhibit. There’s always something new (or old) to see at a museum, and for little readers, it’s good to have a friend like Maisy along for the adventure.

* Maisy Learns to Swim
Maisy ventures into the water in a story sure to make a splash with young children who are learning to swim.

Today Maisy is going swimming for the first time, and she is a little nervous. Good thing Eddie and Tallulah are coming, too. Eddie is a natural, but Maisy and Tallulah get into the pool slowly ― ooh, it’s freezing! But soon they are kicking and floating and even blowing bubbles with the rest. Whether water-shy or raring to go, young readers will find much to relate to as Maisy experiences another childhood first.


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교환 및 반품이
불가능한 경우
- 모든 교재의 Teacher’s book 및 Answer Key
- 개봉된 Video, DVD, CD-ROM, 카세트 테이프, Audio CD (단, 파손된 상품 제외)
- 단기간에 필독 가능한 Readers, Chapter Book, Story Book
- 교사용 Reference Book 및 Activity Book
- 탐독의 흔적이 있는 모든 도서
- 교환, 반품불가 조건이 사전에 명시된 공동구매 등의 특별판매행사 상품
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의해 상품의 가치가 훼손된 경우
 대량 견적 문의 카카오채널 1:1문의

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