
Countablock (Alphablock) Board book



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Countablock (Alphablock) Board book

15,600(33% 할인 / 7,700원 할인)
468원(3% 적립)
3,000원(30,000원 이상 구매시 배송비 무료)
하드커버 / 94 pages / 133*159 mm size
0~3세 ~ 0~3세
Harry N. Abrams
Christopher Franceschelli
AR 레벨
Lexile 레벨

총 상품금액: 15,600
바로구매 장바구니 위시리스트

Learning to count is as easy as 1, 2, 3 in Countablock, a fun addition to the Abrams Block Book series! Young readers will explore the joy of numbers in an exciting and unique way, from 1 right up to 100.
NAPPA Silver Award Winner
“Stylish silkscreen-like illustrations and opportunities for both counting and guessing what happens next should keep copies of this chunky book well-loved.” ―Publishers Weekly
Perfect for little hands, Countablock features thick pages cut into the shape of each numeral, creating a peek-through guessing game around the number form itself. One acorn becomes . . . one oak tree! From snowmen to puddles and eggs to chicks, quantities are illustrated twice: both before and after their “transformations.”
As children interact with the pages, they will familiarize themselves not only with the numbers 1–100 and associated quantities, but with each numeral’s physicality—angles, holes, and curves, both front and back. Numerals include 1–10, and 20–100 counted by tens for easier understanding.
Like other books in the Block Book series such as Alphablock, Cityblock, Dinoblock, and BuildablockCountablock features die-cuts on every spread. In addition, this book ends with two special pages that fold out to reveal a grand finale illustration of 100 puzzle pieces.
With bright, animated, retro-inspired artwork by Peski Studio, this fresh take on counting encourages readers to manipulate numbers in a whole new way. Your child will have so much fun reading this book, they won’t realize that learning to count to 100 is part of their education!
Collect the whole series:
Star Wars Block
Marvel Alphablock
Disney Block
Sesame Street Countablock
Pixar Buddy Block
Also available: A Box of Blocks, featuring AlphablockCountablock, and Dinoblock.






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교환 및 반품이
불가능한 경우
- 모든 교재의 Teacher’s book 및 Answer Key
- 개봉된 Video, DVD, CD-ROM, 카세트 테이프, Audio CD (단, 파손된 상품 제외)
- 단기간에 필독 가능한 Readers, Chapter Book, Story Book
- 교사용 Reference Book 및 Activity Book
- 탐독의 흔적이 있는 모든 도서
- 교환, 반품불가 조건이 사전에 명시된 공동구매 등의 특별판매행사 상품
- 고객님의 사용 또는 일부 소비에 의해 상품의 가치가 훼손된 경우
 대량 견적 문의 카카오채널 1:1문의

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